Lilly, a very scared little silver tabby, spent 17 days in a empty house until Anne and K9 Heidi came to her rescue. The house was empty because of a forced transfer by the state department to Dubai. When the movers came in to pack up she disappeared out of fear. Soon time ran out and the move had to take place without Lilly. The property manager was by chance visited by a past client of Dogs Finding Dogs and overheard the story. They said to call DFD because they found their cat under a deck just before the blizzards last year. Heidi was brought out and found Lilly hidden behind the lower kitchen cabinets. To get her we had to remove the cabinet panels. Lilly shot out like a light and ran into the bathroom where Darlene, the cat whisperer, got a net around her and put her into a crate. Lilly is on her way now to Dubai to join her family. It is totally amazing how a cat can survive with no food, no water for 17 days. All that’s left is a long flight and then she will be back safe and sound. And finally, the house can now be rented out.
– Mary in Bowie, MD