Special: A Dog's Nose is Amazing, A Dog's Heart is a Miracle
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A tribute to Heidi
by Anne, Founder of Dogs Finding Dogs
K9 Heidi was a beautiful soul. She was my best friend, my furry child, and my working partner for tracking lost pets. She saved over 2,000 missing pets. Over the course of her career, she received 12 commendations from the Maryland Governor, county executives, police and fire departments. Heidi was truly a blessing from God. Without her, Dogs Finding Dogs would never have come to be. Heidi also taught children at summer camps about responsible pet ownership and search and rescue.
K9 Heidi’s very last rescue before she died was to save my life by detecting and alerting me to my cancer. After staying by my side through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, Heidi passed away on Christmas Eve morning due to her own cancer. Thankfully, I was able to do more and resume some fun and normalcy to my and K9 Heidi’s lives before she died. My heartbreak from losing Heidi is inexplicable.
On the day that Heidi passed, December 24, 2015, I had to quickly call and make her final arrangements; arranging cremation and urn purchase before the long holiday break. I paid for it over the phone. An hour later the company called me back and said, “Miss Anne, you did not tell us who Heidi was when you called! We have a special discount for her and it is all completely free of charge.” I cried like a baby — even harder than I already was — but this act of kindness was also so comforting during such a horrible time.
K9 Heidi was a star guest for her last three years with the CSI summer camps, hosted throughout Maryland for children who want to learn about crime scene investigation. She adored working with the kids. I would take her off leash and she would visit each child, with kisses. As an example of search and rescue, we would hide a child, and Heidi would go and find them. We also taught kids about responsible pet ownership and how search and rescue dogs work.
With this in mind, we had a 6-inch plush replica of K9 Heidi specially made with our foundation logo and patches to give out to children hospitalized with cancer. We bring Heidi’s children’s book written about her adventures in finding Sally the Sea Otter at the zoo, and read to the children as well.
News Articles related to Heidi and Anne
Special: A Dog's Nose is Amazing, A Dog's Heart is a Miracle
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Heidi the Dog's Sniffing Leads to Owner's Cancer Diagnosis
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In Memory of Heidi, Local Search and Rescue Launches Two Programs
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To honor Heidi’s memory, and the many ways she served, the K9 Heidi’s Heroes Foundation will:
Help us Help Others! Keep Heidi’s Legacy Alive
If you have any ideas that you feel would be a good fit for the Foundation in honoring Heidi’s life and memory, please let us know! Many past clients and friends have helped make the Foundation a success. We welcome your support!
Please click the paypal link to donate.
In the “Special Instructions” box, please type, “K9 Heidi” so we can apply your donation correctly.
Also, remember to check the box for “Share my mailing address with Dogs Finding Dogs” so that we can share how K9 Heidi continues to help. Thank you for your support!
To nominate an exceptional individual or group, please click the link below to view/print the PDF form from your browser. You can also right-click and select “save link” to save the attached PDF form. Then, print, complete, and return to Dogs Finding Dogs via the U.S. Mail or E-mail addresses provided.
Click here for Nomination PDF
The name, “Heidi” means Noble One and Battle Protector. She was and is a Noble One and she is in many ways,
a Battle Protector. She won so many battles for many people, and their beloved pets. God Bless her soul.
My hope is that she is in heaven finding all the pets that have lost
their way in the clouds and helping them return to paradise.
Mommy loves you, Heidi!
I miss you so much.
We will continue to help.