When our adorable toy poodle, Bbo-Bbo, went missing , our family didn’t know what to do. We posted flyers and contacted the shelters, but we really felt helpless. She was already gone for 5 days, and it was unbearably cold outside. Fearing the worst, Dogs Finding Dogs came to the rescue. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to help us, just out of sincere concern for our furry pet. There they were to provide the helpful tips and advice even before coming out to see us! With new and improved flyers and determination, Heidi and Anne came out to track Bbo-Bbo in the freezing cold weather. We had no idea what we were in for. Heidi was the most amazing animal we’ve ever seen! We could not believe how quickly she tracked Bbo-Bbo across the street to an apartment complex. Although her tracks ended in the parking lot, we were hoping that someone scooped her up from the cold and was taking care of her. Using the apartment complex as our focal point Heidi, Anne, and Janel stayed with us all night to post our flyers all over town. An hour after we got back home, we received a phone call from a neighbor across the street who saw our flyer and had Bbo-Bbo! She was picked up in the middle of the street and they were in the same apartment complex where Heidi tracked Bbo-Bbo earlier in the day! We could not believe it! If it wasn’t for Dogs Finding Dogs, we wouldn’t have known where to start our search! Now, our family is back together again and we made new friends! Thank you, thank you, thank you Heidi, Anne, and Janel, from the bottom of our hearts! Not only did we find Bbo-Bbo that day, our adventure led us to another pet in need. Heidi tracked another adorable pooch in distress and was able to reunite him with his owner within an hour!