Boh is our pit bull puppy and we love him dearly! My friend and I both own him and he got loose from our yard. Janel and Lee of Dogs Finding Dogs helped us find him. Without their help, Boh would have never been found. Janel and Lee tracked him from our yard to a thick awful patch of woods where he was hiding. He would not come out so we tried to lure him out with food. He was seen coming out to eat. Janel brought Lee out again and there had been a chase at the woods that led to a fenced area. Boh had been stolen! It was under the direction of Dogs Finding Dogs that we get in touch with the shelters. We did this and Boh was found! A person stole Boh with the intention of keeping him. He took Boh 25 miles away to his home. After seeing that Boh was a puppy and full of energy, this person called Animal Control and turned him in! What wonderful people at Dogs Finding Dogs to help in every way to get a pet home. It is a big relief to have Boh back safe and sound!